Five 5-Star Reader Reviews for “Option Strategy Risk/Return Ratios”

The early reviews for my new book "Option Strategy Risk / Return Ratios: A Revolutionary New Approach to Optimizing, Adjusting, and Trading Any Option Income Strategy are very encouraging.  Five independent readers have posted 5-Star reviews on Amazon.

Continue reading for the complete reviews.

Five 5 - Star Reviews for Option Strategy / Risk Return Ratios

"The Book is a class by itself - Simply one of a kind" - bbensaid

Trading options for income has been covered in hundreds of books over the years. Unfortunately, most of the coverage that I have seen (I have seen probably the majority of the books published about the topic in the last 20 years) is rather shallow and rehashes the same material that can be found for free on the internet. Three main different points separate this book:
#1 - The writing is as good as it gets and I am not talking style only here; I am talking about concepts and strategies that are examined from every angle with weaknesses and strengths highlighted very clearly. What to be careful about, avoid, or focus. Also, the graphs are terrific and use real market data.
#2 - The tools provided (detailed formulas with clear explanations and an Excel spreadsheet - don't be intimidated with the math it is really simple) are something that the author should be sincerely commended for. It is obvious that he spent a considerable amount of time developing and frankly it is very generous for him to share. Option income traders' challenge has been (at least in my experience) how to balance price (delta & gamma) and volatility (vega) risks against potential returns (theta). This book gives you a quantifiable strategy to optimize that risk/reward and take lots of the guessing/uncertainty out of your trading.
#3 - For those of you who are inclined to do more, the last chapter on how to develop/optimize your own strategy is really a terrific road map on how you can challenge yourself to do even more.
In summary, this is a great book and the author a great teacher based on the way he was able to explain the material.

"A Great Read for the Option Trader" - Steve Papale

Brian presents a well thought out method of risk/return evaluation of several popular options strategies. The material is targeted to the trader with some understanding of options and is presented clearly with plenty of supporting graphs and tables. The presentation of various risk ratios leads to practical application for use in any underlying. As an options trader with 25 years experience, I am always looking for new ways to evaluate and measure performance. This fit the bill.

"Phenomenal Guide to help assess risk and return characteristics of option income strategy" - Dominick Paoloni

Brian does a wonderful job of laying out the frame work to help professional options traders and money managers alike to assess various option income strategies. The book gives the reader quantifiable measures of risk and return characteristics that can be applied to various option income strategies. Despite the dense subject matter that Brian covers in the book, he does a great job of putting it into terms that even a trader with basic knowledge of options can understand. The excel document that Brian has graciously provided owners of this book with will allow any trader to actively implement the concepts presented in this book into their trading. Fully grasping on to the methods presented in this book will help any options trader to better manage risk, which is imperative to being a successful option trader.

"A Valuable Addition for Your Option Library" - Aristotle

This is an excellent book. It provides a framework for evaluating various option strategies in order to choose the best ones. I plan to use the ideas in this book to implement several different option strategies to balance risk.

"Excellent Book for the Serious Option Trader" - Cary

The author teaches a dynamic strategy designed to maximize the risk/return in various markets. There is some foundational stuff, but this book is for the experienced trader. The author developed a unique analysis for income strategies, and I believe it has great potential. Highly recommended.

Print and Kindle Versions of Brian Johnson's New Book are Now Both Available on Amazon

Option Strategy Risk / Return Ratios: A Revolutionary New Approach to Optimizing, Adjusting, and Trading Any Option Income Strategy

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Brian Johnson

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About Brian Johnson

I have been an investment professional for over 30 years. I worked as a fixed income portfolio manager, personally managing over $13 billion in assets for institutional clients. I was also the President of a financial consulting and software development firm, developing artificial intelligence based forecasting and risk management systems for institutional investment managers. I am now a full-time proprietary trader in options, futures, stocks, and ETFs using both algorithmic and discretionary trading strategies. In addition to my professional investment experience, I designed and taught courses in financial derivatives for both MBA and undergraduate business programs on a part-time basis for a number of years. I have also written four books on options and derivative strategies.
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