Exploiting Earnings Volatility Featured in Stocks & Commodities Magazine

Exploiting Earnings Volatility

Exploiting Earnings Volatility

My new options book, Exploiting Earnings Volatility: An Innovative New Approach to Evaluating, Optimizing, and Trading Option Strategies to Profit from Earnings Announcements, is featured in the "Books for Traders" section of the current (September 2015) issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities Magazine. Stocks & Commodities is one of the best values in educational resources for traders, offering subscribers full access to their entire digital archive.

Exploiting Earnings Volatility introduces a new analytical framework and tool-set for designing, optimizing, and trading option strategies to profit from earnings-related pricing anomalies. Two spreadsheets accompany the book to help readers of all experience levels integrate the concepts into their trading.

If you read the book, please take a few minutes to provide a brief review on Amazon. It would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Brian Johnson

Copyright 2015 Trading Insights, LLC. All rights reserved.


About Brian Johnson

I have been an investment professional for over 30 years. I worked as a fixed income portfolio manager, personally managing over $13 billion in assets for institutional clients. I was also the President of a financial consulting and software development firm, developing artificial intelligence based forecasting and risk management systems for institutional investment managers. I am now a full-time proprietary trader in options, futures, stocks, and ETFs using both algorithmic and discretionary trading strategies. In addition to my professional investment experience, I designed and taught courses in financial derivatives for both MBA and undergraduate business programs on a part-time basis for a number of years. I have also written four books on options and derivative strategies.
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